Our family continues to amaze me by how much we can change and grow in the matter of just two and half months! I can't believe I let 10 weeks go by without a post about our family! Forgive me! Here is our first family photograph taken as a family of 6....we took it this weekend at the pedestrian bridge that cross the Missouri River.
Since June, Easton has doubled his birthweight and started laughing. We are finding that he is a funny boy who is a bit of a flirt. He'll suck his bottom lip in like he's getting ready to cry just to get you to make a funny face at him and then let out this great big deep-from-the-toes giggle accompanied by a huge smile. He smiles with his entire body! The enthusiasm from this wiggle-worm is contagious! He reminds me so much of his big sister, Samantha -- the way they look (although he is MUCH larger than she is , and obviously, a boy!), the way they act, they way they move...it is kind of like deja vu for me! Easton is simply a delightful, content, laid-back baby who loves a good cuddle.
Hunter has grown into such a big boy -- he turned 3 in July and I can't believe how tall he is getting. It amazes me that he is only 3 -- Matt and I often talk about how we have to remind ourselves that he is only 3 and that we can't expect him to be able to do things that his older sibs can do, but the thing is, usually he can! He can ride a bike (albeit with training wheels), he can throw a ball, he can jump, he can climb the rock wall, he wants to swim, he knows his letters, etc... Hunter, most of the time, is very eager to do what his brother and sister are doing, but sometimes it just takes him a little longer to "jump in" -- while most times he has a little less fear than we'd like, he has days of caution where he'll sit back and watch what's going on before he jumps in. He can certainly show a stubborn side (what 3-year-old doesn't?), but he is the happiest child I think I have ever seen. I remember being terrified when I found out I was pregnant with him -- I had a very challenging 7 month old at the time, and a 2 year old, and I didn't know how in the world I'd handle a third one. God sure knew what he was doing though -- Hunter is kind of the light of our family and easy to get along with. He seems to enjoy having a baby brother -- he asks to hold him frequently, and we're delighted to see that. It's hard to believe that in just a few weeks he's going to start PRESCHOOL!
Hudson is turning into a little fish -- a year ago, this kid would barely get near a pool. Now, he's jumping in without prompting, dunking his entire head under the water, and trying to swim on his own in the neighbor's pool. He's writing his name, and starting to recognize a few words, but reading, we think, is still a long ways off (which is fine, since he's only four!) He's a bike riding machine, too -- Hudson can ride 10 miles without batting an eye! He looks forward to the days he and daddy get to go on bike rides together, and he does a great job of keeping up with daddy and mommy! What an exciting September Hudson will have when he starts his second year of preschool!
Samantha is definitely our little mommy. She is eager to help out with the baby, and wants more than anything to help her brothers (when they'll let her). She took a baking class this summer and is right alongside me in the kitchen many days helping with dinner. I'm glad to see her enthusiasm for cooking -- that's something I didn't develop until Matt and I got married, and I wish I would have had more of a desire to cook alongside my mom! It's fun to have her with me, preparing food for our family. I think she likes that it's an important job to prepare the meals that nourish our bodies -- she loves to feel valued and appreciated! This weekend, Samantha and I are participating in a women-only Triathlon! I'm so excited to do this with her! We'll be sure to take pictures! She started first grade two weeks ago, and I am just in awe of the love of learning this girl has! Samantha is so enthusiastic about school, and I hope her love for learning never fades!
I've been spending my time cooking and baking up a storm. I cook for our friends and family, and couldn't be more excited to prepare food for them. But this love for all things food-related has forced me out of the house to run 20 or 25 miles during the week. I'm so proud of myself for doing it! It's such a wonderful release to go run miles. I feel like a new mom when I get home!
My goal for the school year -- to post pictures of our kids once a week! And to get back to papercrafting....I have missed it so much over the past year, and really want to do it again!