The biggest news, however, is that with the "new job" comes a new chapter for the Walters Yankton, South Dakota. After four years in Omaha, we are moving north! The company my husband works for hand-picked him to make changes and get their South Dakota branches profitable again. This is a HUGE deal and is essentially fast-forwarding his career ahead 15 or 20 years. He'll be second in command, and I couldn't be prouder of him. He has worked incredibly hard to get to this point.
Our departure is bittersweet for me. While I am thrilled for the opportunities this offers our family, I am heartbroken to leave behind our family and friends. We have been incredibly blessed with friends that we consider family, a church that we all adore (the kids actually told us how much they missed our church when we missed one Sunday due to vacation), and a school that is out of this world! We are also leaving holes in the places we're leaving -- whether at church, on the PTO Board, MOPS Steering, caring for nephews,
I know that God will provide all of these things for us -- and even those that we can't begin to imagine we need -- in Yankton. But it is still hard to say good-bye.
We're not going anywhere for a while -- the kids are registered for fall activities, and we thought it was only fair to let them participate in those activities since we sprung this move on them 2 days before school started. They have days where they are so excited to go and can't wait to be there, but then they have moments where they are sad that Grandma and Poppa won't be just 12 minutes away or that Nana and Grandpa Steve will need to drive 30 minutes more to see them.
So now the focus of my days is on getting the house ready to be listed this week, and then keeping it clean with four little ones running around. :) And it'll all work out in the end...
Here's to new adventures, and incredible friends that we are eternally grateful to have -- and keep -- in our life.