Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thoughtful girl...

With the end of the school year literally just around the corner (JUNE 1!), Samantha and Hudson are bringing home copious amounts of paperwork each day.  Yesterday, in my attempt to "sift and purge" through some of these items, I came across a journal that Samantha wrote on February 16.  I wanted to share it with you because it made me think... (and I retyped it just as she wrote it)

"If I won $1,000 in a contest first I would give 300 to the elderly and charity and church.  Next I would help people who need medical attention but can't afford it.  Then I would buy clothes for the people who don't have many clothes.  Last I would buy security systuems for the people who got robbed.  As you can see, I think I have enough stuff and I would like to share."

When I was a 2nd grader, would I have thought the same way she did?  I think I would have wanted to buy a bike or a new boom box or gone to Disney World with my $1000.  Even now, my first thought wasn't to give it away.  It was, "Wow!  That could buy a lot of new running gear or scrapbooking paper...or that Pottery Barn quilt I've been wanting for the boys."  Seriously.  How shallow am I.  God blesses me with $1000 in a contest and I would blow it on things I do not NEED.

But my daughter was willing to give it ALL away to people in NEED.  Not just people she knows -- not EVEN people she knows...people she's never met.  She was willing to give it to people that need in ways she and I have never known.  Trust me, my husband and I do work hard to teach our children about generosity and tithing and sharing and caring for those in our community, and we do try to live what we preach, but we are not THAT great of examples -- believe me.  This is TOTALLY God working in her heart.

So how do you encourage your kids to think about others before themselves?  How do you teach tithing?  What situations do you put your kids in to allow them the chance to serve others that are less fortunate?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Are you up for a CHALLENGE?

Extra, extra, extra!  Are you up for a challenge?  I mean a really really REALLY important challenge, one that is so absolutely vital for your sons?  If so, please join me as I lead a group through 21 days of Prayer for our Sons.

As a mom, I think there is nothing as important as praying for our kids.  I pray daily for our kids, but sometimes struggle to easily connect scripture verses with needs I see to pray for -- and let's face it, I'm a busy mom who honestly really appreciates the fact that someone else (Brooke McGlothlin) has taken the time and energy to write a book geared just toward praying for our sons (and future sons-in-law -- I want my daughter's husband to a godly man, too!).  And you know what -- just because these prayers are geared toward my sons doesn't mean that they don't apply to my daughter, husband and (can it be?!) me, too!

Several of you have already said "COUNT ME IN!"  I don't think you'll regret this at all.  There is something so encouraging and uplifting about having a community come together and pray for the same thing.  Accountability.  Support.  Encouragement.  So please join me -- and so many others -- as we commit to praying for our sons for 21 days.  For more information, click here.

I will be leading you through the 21-day challenge.  Leave me a comment or send me an email if you're interested in participating.  I would LOVE to pray for you and your sons, or grandsons, or any boys you know that you want me to pray for!  You're not in this alone!

I know that I will continue to make mistakes as a mom, but one thing I know I CAN do right is to plead with God for my children, to PRAY for them daily (or more!)  Won't you join me?  It WILL change lives!  :)