Thursday, May 28, 2009

The ride that never ends...

So I've decided that potty-training is like an amusement park ride that never ends. You have your ups -- big great awesome ups like going an entire week wihtout a single accident. And then you have your big drops -- steep drops, might I add -- like going through every single pair of underwear your son AND his brother own in one day. (That happened over the weekend). And then you have this story...

Hunter has been a trooper with potty-training. One day it just clicked. And yes, we've absolutely had some major "steep drop" days, especially over the weekends, but for the most part he's doing well. Today, the good news is that we've had no accidents...however I just caught him standing in the front yard with his pants laying off to the side...peeing into a bush...a bush that is in the front part of our yard...and he was facing the street.

Nothing like showing his goods to the entire neighborhood! Yup ... this ride NEVER ends!


Ali said...

LMAO! Oh my gosh! What a character! That will be a story that will stick with him for the rest of his life! :)

Sandra said...

Potty training! Been there and mine wasn't too bad. Good luck!!!
Sandra T.
CTMH sister