Friday, January 25, 2008

Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers 10

Now that I'm officially part of SBS10, let me introduce myself! I am a SAHM with 3 little oldest will be a kindergartner in the fall, and my youngest is 18 months. They keep my on my toes! And I'm so lucky to be married to a great husband Matt! He works so hard to make sure I can stay home with our kids.

In April 2007, a friend of mine (Thanks, Tricia) introduced me to Close to My Heart, and I was hooked. I've been scrapbooking for a very long time, but I'd never tried stamping before. I was too chicken, to be perfectly honest! I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I was never able to get stamps to line up the right way. So Tricia showed me how CTMH's acrylic stamps work, and I was literally hooked. I joined as a consultant a few weeks later, and I've become a stamping machine! Now I make cards and other papercrafts, too, and I am so excited by all the things you create with stamps! So while I'm probably a "baby stamper", I love it and I learn quickly. And I'm NO LONGER AFRAID TO TRY ANYTHING!

So that's me in a nutshell -- mom, wife, scrapbooker/stamper (so SCRAMPER). I LOVE MY LIFE!!! I'm excited about this sisterhood thing! FUN FUN FUN!! (And please be honest -- I love comments, good and's the only way I improve!!!)


crazy4mycrafts said...

Hey Alyssa! Thanks for sharing your bio! It will be fun to get to know each other! Sarah

Chris said...

i am chris, i live in maine and have 2 boys. i also get to stay at home, which i love. i use CTMH stamps alot. my fave is the white core paper...i am a distresser!!!