It started out with cinnamon bun pancakes (which, by the way, if you have never had...well, you simply must -- email me for the recipe) and scrambled eggs. This breakfast was by request, so they were VERY excited. Following breakfast we, of course, had to take a few pictures (okay, maybe 18)...
Samantha is a pro at this by now -- can you believe how TALL this child is getting? She's surely going to pass me up in the 4th or 5th grade, I think!
Wow, look at that big guy! I can hardly believe this one is in KINDERGARTEN!! He was admittedly nervous about going, but also so very excited. He couldn't wait to see his teacher (who was also Samantha's kindergarten teacher), but I think he was a little apprehensive, too.
Hudson was also quite proud of his backpack, even though he could have cared less about it when we picked it out. But now he LOVES it. He was very excited to wear it and take care of it.
Samantha was very sweet to her brother. Sensing that he was nervous and not sure about this whole kindergarten thing, she reassured him that she was really just down the hall and there for him even if he couldn't see her. She also told him she'd come get him after school to bring him to our meeting place. His teacher, of course, took care of getting them to it, so when she came to find him and couldn't, she "got SO worried, mom!". It was quite sweet, especially considering the level of fighting that these two can reach.
Wow. At one time, I was counting down the days until Hudson went to school because he was such a strong-willed little guy (and he still is, but we all know how to manage it now). Now, he has turned into a sweet, compassionate, generous and patient boy. I was really sad to see him go to school. We've come a long ways, little man. How I love this child!
This one...well, she is going to be off to college before we know it. I know, I know. It's only 2nd grade. But 2 years ago it was only Kindergarten, and in 10 years, she will be starting her senior year in high school. SLOW DOWN, I SAY! How I love this child!
So after pictures, it was time to head to school. You'd think these two have been doing this forever...
Oh Hudson and his backpack -- it's almost as big as he is! As my aunt Hudson wearing the backpack, or is the backpack wearing Hudson? I love it!
It's time find their teachers. First up is Samantha. You'd think she'd done this a time or two before -- there was a quick hug (and I do mean quick) before she waved goodbye and said hello to her teacher...
This is Mrs. Lombardo. Samantha was SO excited to be assigned to her room. She seems so sweet.
One down, one to go.... it was time to find Mrs. Stine, Hudson's Kindergarten teacher. We LOVE this teacher. She is amazing and incredibly talented. I couldn't dream up a better kindergarten teacher than this one. And Hudson was very VERY excited to learn he'd be in her room...Can you tell?
This was the best smile he had for pictures (which, I knew, was because he was so nervous). When he saw Mrs. Stine, though, he was on top of the world and not nervous anymore! His great big smile was back again! He gave me a hug and a kiss and told me good-bye, then proceeded to wait in line in the sweltering (and I do mean sweltering) heat. (For the record, yesterday was the hottest day in Omaha in more than 2 years. Yuck.)
See -- there's that wonderful smile. Be still my heart. I know he'll do great in school -- he's an awesome kid!
And there he goes....waving goodbye to me, smiling, as the line starts to head inside. Wow. How did it go so fast?
Okay, they're gone....and I promptly turn around and cry all the way back to the car. I'm sure Hunter and Easton thought I'd lost my mind.
At the end of the day, they came bouncing (seriously, bouncing) through the front door so excited to tell me all about the first day. Hudson gave me a huge hug and told me he had a great day and couldn't wait to go back tomorrow. And Samantha declared that she has the best 2nd grade teacher at Ackerman. "She's AWESOME, mom!" It was quite the day. Here's to another year -- and not blinking. Because if I blink, it will all be over.
Agh! You've got ME crying, Alyssa! Gosh, it goes so fast, doesn't it?! How do our little babies get so big so fast??? We need to get our families together soon!!!
Oh, the kids look so cute, and growing up so fast! I haven't seen Samantha is so long. I can't believe our daughter's are in 2nd grade. I remember when they were graduating from preschool together. :-(
Please tell Samantha hi from Grace - she really misses her!
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