Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day Five -- Men Set Apart: Pride

Encouragement from Melissa Smallwood, creator of Multitasking Mama (as printed in the LG)

Praying for my boys has changed as they have gotten older.  Watching their personalities, talents and spiritual gifts emerge provides the opportunity to pray specifically for the men they are becoming.  My mama heart used to pray, "God, help me be the kind of mom they need," but as they have moved into the tween/teen years that prayer has changed.  "God, help them become the men you created them to be" is what I utter now.

That man may not always be what I pictured in my mind, when they were toddling around and getting into everything.  none of my three boys are anything alike and none of them are what I pictured they would be when they were still small enough to sit on my lap or welcome my kisses.  And that is OK.

Proverbs 22:6 reminds us to "Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Amplified Bible).  Prayers for our sons must be individual to that child and sensitive to the one of a kind man God has designed each of them to be.  Whether my boys grow to be doctors, pastors or drive a milk truck, as long as they are living their lives for God's glory, my mama heart should be pleased and satisfied.

All three of them are uniquely and wonderfully created.  Praying for God to shape their hearts, trusting the master Potter He is, has allowed me to relinquish control of the outcome and cherish my role in the process of learning who they will become.

As they grow, up and away -- as is God's plan -- my heart's cry to Him is that they will lead lives pleasing to their Creator {and that they will visit their mama frequently}.

It's so easy to get caught up in what WE want our sons to be.  Melissa was talking above about letting -- no, ALLOWING -- God to grow our sons into the men HE wants them to be.  (Whoa -- the "control freak" in me is really struggling with this!!  But...there's a huge sense of relief, too!)

My sons are not mine -- they are HIS.  And His plans might be quite different from the plans I see so clearly.

Give it to God.  Give THEM to God.

As long as my sons are living for God's glory, it doesn't matter what profession they choose.  Their identity, I pray will be found in God, not in their career choice.  I WILL love them no matter what they do.  But more than that -- HE will love them no matter what they do.

While attending a homeschool conference, Brook heard Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis, say "I would rather my children be ditch diggers and love Jesus, than PhDs and go to hell."  What is your response to this quote?  As always, feel free to comment here or on our facebook group page.

Today, I will be lifting you up in prayer, asking that you have strength and perseverance to continue this warrior's journey.  I will also be lifting up your sons and praying that they will be mighty men of God -- that they will be men who love Jesus and turn away from arrogance and a haughty spirit.  I will also be praying for the single moms I know -- that God will bring a godly man in their son's life to show him what a holy laying down of pride looks like.

Proverbs 13:10  "Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice."

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